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Cataracts are extremely common and by the age of 80, most individuals will have had cataract surgery. In fact, cataracts are the most widespread cause of vision loss in people over age 40 and the leading cause of blindness in the world.  

In its earliest stages, the cataract will be small and you may notice a hazy, blurred quality to your vision. Other early symptoms include glare, difficulty seeing at night, and sensitivity to light. As the cataract develops, vision loss becomes more severe, including legal blindness if left untreated. Fortunately, cataracts are extremely treatable via surgery, allowing patients to reclaim their quality of life through a relatively short and simple procedure.

See How Cataract Surgery Can Change Your Life

Cataract Surgery: By The Numbers

  • By 2050, over 50 million Americans will have developed a cataract.
  • After surgery, the odds of experiencing a hip fracture decrease by 16%.
  • Individuals are 13% less likely to be in a car accident following surgery.

When It Comes To Treatment, You Have Choices

The best treatment for you depends on your unique needs and lifestyle.  Our surgeons and patient counselors will ensure you get the best outcome, so you can continue to do the things you love most.

Choice 1: Remove the cataract and place a lens that partially corrects for distance vision. You will likely need to wear trifocals to see far, intermediate, and near.

Choice 2: Remove the cataract and correct distance vision with a combination of refractive surgery and specialized lenses. You may still need glasses for near vision tasks such as working on computers or tablets.

Choice 3: Remove the cataract and place a lens that allows you to see at multiple distances, drastically reducing the need for glasses for most tasks.

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